Tag: Education

  • Play Salo Symposium

    Play Salo Symposium

    Summing up the Play Salo Symposium, May 16, 2019 Play Salo is a game based learning process with the focus on Active citizenship and Urban development. It is a collaboration between Tampere school of architecture, City of Salo and the Salo Highschool. Since beginning of 2017 a number of different pedagogic experiments have been conducted…

  • Community researcher or citizen journalist

    Community researcher or citizen journalist

    Going to the Finnish town of Salo in the first 2 weeks of May 2018 concluded 4 experiments with the goal of developing new curriculum on highschool level that would form at local connection and knowledge that can feed a mutual learning process with the University students and researchers: An educational link between a more…

  • Salo Games

    Salo Games

      In the Tampere team we have been talking about how to integrate a game element into the explorations and Social Mapping that the highschool students are working with in Salo. To get an idea of our work so far — read this text on Salo Stories here. In short this first experiment — done in…

  • Developing the “UEL — STATE OF THE ART”

    Developing the “UEL — STATE OF THE ART”

    In the last months our five UEL teams (University of Sheffield, University of Ljubljana, Ipop, Tampere University of Technology, Urban Transition Association) worked together on the preparation of “UEL — State of the art”. We have analysed our (UEL partners’) past projects (“Internal case study analysis”) and similar urban educational projects across the world (“External…